Who We Are
Our Beliefs and Core Values

Our goal is that all people have the right to a quality of life which is consistent with a deep respect for individuality; maintains and strengthens existing relationships and encourages the development of new ones; allows for full participation in the community in a dignified and valued manner through self-determined choices and rich and meaningful experiences.

To Achieve our goal, we believe that each of us:

  • Must be treated with respect and dignity;

  • Must have the opportunity to develop our own lifestyle;

  • Needs, desires and hopes for the company and friendship of others;

  • Has human and civil rights accorded us by law

The means to achieve our goal is simple. People who felt isolated and rejected must be welcomed by the larger community to participate.

It means being:

  • Members of groups, associations, clubs and churches;

  • Asked to share ideas, gifts and abilities with others;

  • Included in decisions and actions that build and fortify community life;

  • Spoken to and about in dignified and respectful ways.

The organization’s role is to enhance the dignity and value of all people.

We accomplish this by:

  • Assisting people to regain power and control over their own lives;

  • Listening and responding;

  • Embracing the richness of diversity;

  • Recognizing the gifts each possess and respecting each other's contributions;

  • Referring to each other by name;

  • Keeping what is personally private - confidential;

  • Openly communicating those things that as a community we need to know to support one another.

It is through such activity that New Frontiers can participate in the development of a competent, caring community that includes all its citizens.

Have a question about our goals or our services?